R-E-S-P-E-C-T, respect is such a big word. It is a big factor in any relationship. It is the foundation of love and trust. Any married couple encountering difficulties in their relationships can simply go back to this fundamental.
To maintain harmony, each of the spouses must manifest respect to the other. Simply be courteous, both in words and in actions.
Most people associate courtesy with etiquette. That is why most people think it is very burdensome. Some people even claim that they want to be laid back in a serious relationship, that there is no need for pretenses or formalities.
However, courtesy is not all about table manners or social formalities. It is simply an active choice of doing the proper things at the proper time, like displaying gratitude when there is something to be thankful for or expressing sweet words of love.

Say the Magic Word
Do not let politeness be forgotten in the relationship. To be courteous to each other is not difficult. One only has to remember the magic words taught back in the kindergarten days. Here are some phrases that would definitely count.
1. "Please."
Requesting for something to be done will sound better if coupled with this simple word.
2. "Thank You."
These two words express gratitude for someone who went out of the way to do something special.
3. "You're welcome."
Even in married life, each of the spouses still deserves such sweet and comforting phrases. Their lasting effects are not to be underestimated. These words never go out of style.
Be Courteous in Your Actions
Courtesy can also be extended on many other occasions.
It would be a good thought to return phone calls. Leaving a note behind to simply inform the itinerary or destination for the day will also assure the husband or the wife. Remembering and celebrating anniversaries and birthdays are definitely plus points.
Do not fall out of these habits. Common courtesy is deserved by others. Coupled with the thought of doing such things will definitely make the spouse worthy of respect.
The simplest and most ordinary things done everyday are actually the best things to take note of when trying to improve the marriage. If one aims for more intimacy and openness in the marriage, such simple and intimate ways of communication must be encouraged.
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